If you like fantage, join us!


Us peeps keeps saying LOL


((If you don’t know what fantage is, go here: http://www.fantage.com/))

((If you need help and needs to ask questions, go here: http://www.fantageforum.com))

Chat Rules:
Oki, the rules are here! xPP
1. No cursing/swearing/bad words(LITTLE CHILDREN MAY GO ON HERE!)
2. No spamming
3. No advertising
4. No asking to be higher ranks (mod, owner, etc) u only can ask to be member or guest
5. To be mod or owner, come on daily, followrules, have fun, and advertise.
mods- get 5 ppl
owners- get 20 people
main owners- get ALOT of people!!
6. mods owners: FOLLOW RULES
7. mods owners: don’t make moderators or owners for no reason, they have to do rule number 5

*We want everyone to have fun, so please don’t get mad if you got kicked or banned because you broke a rule ((If you never knew it was a rule, private message “KayKay”)). We mods/owners will not ban anyone permanently unless they break the rules ALOT*

**Mods and owners: try to do three strikes(kicks) then ban**